Creabitat is more than just housing; it's a way of
living together...
It's not about building a house, it's about creating a home
Living in nature, in a close-knit community, where everyone makes time for each other, with healthy food from its own soil and self-generated clean energy. A self-sufficient habitat, in which 200ha of farmland is converted into 100ha of new nature (a.o. food forest) 80ha of regenerative agriculture and the remaining 20ha is rmarked for 200 to 400 nature-inclusive and affordable homes. Serving ecosystems, honoring nature's restorative capacity.
It may sound like a dream(life), but at Creabitat we are working hard to make this dream a reality. With circular and accessible housing for all, providing basic needs at an affordable price. So that people can truly live in a new economy. One that used to be quite normal. With attention for nature and each other, to no longer roll from crisis to crisis
Creabitat is more than just housing; it's a way of
living together...
It's not about building a house, it's about creating a home
Wonen in het groen, in een hechte gemeenschap die tijd heeft voor elkaar, met gezonde voeding van eigen bodem en zelf opgewekte schone energie. Een zelfvoorzienend leefgebied, waarin 200 ha landbouwgrond wordt omgezet in 100ha (voedsel)bos, 80 ha regeneratieve landbouw en de resterende 20ha bestemd is voor 200 tot 400 circulaire woningen. Dienend aan de ecosystemen, het herstellend vermogen van de natuur erend. Het klinkt misschien als een droom(leven), maar bij Creabitat wordt hard gewerkt om deze droom werkelijkheid te maken. Met toegankelijke woningen voor iedereen, waarin de basisbehoeften tegen een betaalbare prijs geregeld zijn. Zodat er werkelijk geleefd kan worden in een nieuwe economie. Zo een die vroeger heel normaal was. Met aandacht voor natuur en elkaar, om niet langer van crisis in crisis te rollen.
Home is everything: the earth, place,
community, family, and self.
Home is everything:
the earth, place,
community, family, and self.
With Creabitat, we want to care for the Earth - for generations to come.
In Creabitat, we sustainably connect a community to a place on Earth.
Creabitat's design creates a vital and resilient community.
By consciously considering age in building design, there is room for every stage in a person's life. bewust met leeftijd rekening te houden bij het bouwontwerp is er voor iedere fase in een mensenleven ruimte
Everyone can contribute, and belong.
Met Creabitat willen we
zorgen voor de Aarde –
ook voor generaties na ons
In Creabitat, we sustainably connect a community to a place on Earth.
Creabitat's design creates a vital and resilient community.
By consciously considering age in building design, there is room for every stage in a person's life. bewust met leeftijd rekening te houden bij het bouwontwerp is er voor iedere fase in een mensenleven ruimte
Everyone can contribute, and belong.
The ambition is to create several Creabitat sites, nationally and internationally. Each location will start with small steps based on Creabitat's principles, with clusters that embody the Creabitat principles, to determine local possibilities; based on these experiences, we will determine, in connection with the local context and community, whether and how scaling up is possible.
We are currently taking the first steps at 7 potential sites (in 5 provinces).
Zo zijn we nu de eerste stappen aan het zetten op 7 potentiële locaties ( in 5 provincies).
Here is the formula on which Creabitat is based, an arithmetic representation of reality and in the end what counts is what can, will and may be created onsite. When creating a site, the voices of residents, nature and policy matter. These together determine size and pace, possibilities and coloration.
Links: 200 hectare agrarische grond
Rechts: 200 hectare Creabitat
200 hectares agricultural land
200 hectares Creabitat
Creabitat is regenerative: nature inclusive
The Creabitat community has a mission to go from "Ego to Seva," where humans serve and strengthen nature to create a regenerative, nature-strengthening community. Creabitat focuses on four domains for repairing: social, ecological, economic, and cultural.
The community is responsible for the soil, water, landscape, and each other.
Regenerative agriculture is produced within Creabitat, which positively contributes to nature, climate, food security, and social conditions.
Creabitat is regenerative: nature inclusive
The Creabitat community has a mission to go from "Ego to Seva," where humans serve and strengthen nature to create a regenerative, nature-strengthening community. Creabitat focuses on four domains for repairing: social, ecological, economic, and cultural.
The community is responsible for the soil, water, landscape, and each other.
Regenerative agriculture is produced within Creabitat, which positively contributes to nature, climate, food security, and social conditions.
The community
The community shares costs and values without a profit motive, and financial resources only serve as a tool for exchange with each other and outside of Creabitat.
New nature
In decision-making, nature and future generations have a voice.
Regenerative agriculture
Creabitat's site and community are part of a larger ecosystem, ecologically as well as socially, culturally, and economically.
The community
The community shares costs and values without a profit motive, and financial resources only serve as a tool for exchange with each other and outside of Creabitat.
New nature
In decision-making, nature and future generations have a voice.
Regenerative agriculture
Creabitat's site and community are part of a larger ecosystem, ecologically as well as socially, culturally, and economically.