For the Creabitat movement to grow, Creabitat must be able to land in different places, each with its own character. Therefore, we use a structure that can adapt to the location. Soil and water lead in the design of a site.

The residential clusters range from 20 to 30 homes so that a group is created with sufficient diversity. The clusters themselves have a unique identity and are clearly distinguishable from each other. All are surrounded by nature and regenerative agriculture.
The larger shared facilities, including shared cars, are centrally located in a place linked to the main site entrance, and so easily accessible to everyone . Smaller shared facilities such as a playground, helophyte filter, storerooms, guest room or meeting space are located in the residential clusters themselves.
More intensive regenerative agriculture such as kitchen gardens are located between the residential clusters so that they are part of the daily routine. Less intensive agriculture such as the food forest is further away from the clusters.
Nature is everywhere and connects everything. Water and soil have a special position within Creabitat. The unique nature and importance of water and soil at each location will guide the design of each Creabitat’s site and components. Water en bodem hebben een bijzondere positie binnen Creabitat. De unieke aard van water en bodem per locatie is in elke locatie leidend voor de verdeling en allesbepalend voor het ontwerp van de programma onderdelen.
For the Creabitat movement to grow, Creabitat must be able to land in different places, each with its own character. Therefore, we use a structure that can adapt to the location. Soil and water lead in the design of a site.

The residential clusters range from 20 to 30 homes so that a group is created with sufficient diversity. The clusters themselves have a unique identity and are clearly distinguishable from each other. All are surrounded by nature and regenerative agriculture.
The larger shared facilities, including shared cars, are centrally located in a place linked to the main site entrance, and so easily accessible to everyone . Smaller shared facilities such as a playground, helophyte filter, storerooms, guest room or meeting space are located in the residential clusters themselves.
More intensive regenerative agriculture such as kitchen gardens are located between the residential clusters so that they are part of the daily routine. Less intensive agriculture such as the food forest is further away from the clusters.
Nature is everywhere and connects everything. Water and soil have a special position within Creabitat. The unique nature and importance of water and soil at each location will guide the design of each Creabitat’s site and components. Water en bodem hebben een bijzondere positie binnen Creabitat. De unieke aard van water en bodem per locatie is in elke locatie leidend voor de verdeling en allesbepalend voor het ontwerp van de programma onderdelen.
Bij inpassing op een plek wordt aangehaakt op bestaande structuren om vervolgens een eigen structuur te laten onstaan die zo goed mogelijk faciliteert in het samen leven met de plek.

Creabitat development starts around existing cores so that access and connections to utilities are already provided. From here the community can grow and new residential clusters can be added. Together, the new and old residential clusters have sufficient scale to include shared amenities.
Each development is connected to existing infrastructure. This will be supplemented with new connections between the residential clusters to create a well-connected whole.
The residential clusters and public spaces are free of cars to encourage interactions to happen more freely between neighbours. There are cleverly positioned 'stations' with shared, electric shared cars for driving off-site and connecting to the wider world. but does not limit encounters in the public space.
When embedding in a location and designing each site, we connect to existing structures in order to contribute to the wider community and facilitate living together as much as possible.

Creabitat development starts around existing cores so that access and connections to utilities are already provided. From here the community can grow and new residential clusters can be added. Together, the new and old residential clusters have sufficient scale to include shared amenities.
Each development is connected to existing infrastructure. This will be supplemented with new connections between the residential clusters to create a well-connected whole.
The residential clusters and public spaces are free of cars to encourage interactions to happen more freely between neighbours. There are cleverly positioned 'stations' with shared, electric shared cars for driving off-site and connecting to the wider world. but does not limit encounters in the public space.
Basic principles
Residential cluster
When embedding in a location and designing each site, we connect to existing structures in order to contribute to the wider community and facilitate living together as much as possible.

The basis of each residential cluster is a central collective garden. Here children can play safely, but there is also room for shared facilities such as a meeting space or shared greenhouse and storage. The most important aspect is that this space is designed as a [informal] meeting place. The degree of collectivity can vary based on the wishes of each residential group.
20 - 30 households
Each residential cluster consists of 20 to 30 households. The group is large enough to have enough households with a match and small enough so that everyone really knows each other. This scale also ensures enough diversity within the group.
A specific identity is crucial for each residential cluster. This identity provides recognizability, but also contributes to ownership. In addition, diversity ensures that everyone can find their place here in their own way.
Basic principles
Residential cluster
Bij inpassing op een plek wordt aangehaakt op bestaande structuren om vervolgens een eigen structuur te laten onstaan die zo goed mogelijk faciliteert in het samen leven met de plek.

The basis of each residential cluster is a central collective garden. Here children can play safely, but there is also room for shared facilities such as a meeting space or shared greenhouse and storage. The most important aspect is that this space is designed as a [informal] meeting place. The degree of collectivity can vary based on the wishes of each residential group.
20 - 30 households
Each residential cluster consists of 20 to 30 households. The group is large enough to have enough households with a match and small enough so that everyone really knows each other. This scale also ensures enough diversity within the group.
A specific identity is crucial for each residential cluster. This identity provides recognizability, but also contributes to ownership. In addition, diversity ensures that everyone can find their place here in their own way.

Modular system
The homes are constructed from a complete modular system. This is for two reasons:
1. modular construction creates efficiency, scalability and affordability.
2. by building modularly we can connect to the "housing career" of each household.
Residential career
The modular system allows for exchange of modules, allowing a home to grow or shrink with you. The need for space varies enormously during each person's lifetime and this allows each household to use the space according to its needs and to continue living in the same place. In this way we ensure ownership and the community can put down strong roots in the place where it lives.
Lego blocks for diversity
The modular system is constructed so that from 5 lego blocks an enormous variety of homes and residential clusters can be formed.

Modular system
The homes are constructed from a complete modular system. This is for two reasons:
1. modular construction creates efficiency, scalability and affordability.
2. by building modularly we can connect to the "housing career" of each household.
Residential career
The modular system allows for exchange of modules, allowing a home to grow or shrink with you. The need for space varies enormously during each person's lifetime and this allows each household to use the space according to its needs and to continue living in the same place. In this way we ensure ownership and the community can put down strong roots in the place where it lives.
Lego blocks for diversity
The modular system is constructed so that from 5 lego blocks an enormous variety of homes and residential clusters can be formed.