New regenerative habitats

Local solutions to global problems  

Creabitat creates new habitats These new areas by design provide answers to various global and local issues. You could call these new areas "villages," or "living communities”. They can also be neighborhoods that are located against existing buildings. Or even within existing neighborhoods. The essence is that we create locations where people can live, work and farm together in harmony with nature. This is based on the conviction that people naturally like to connect with each other. That people want to take care of what they have created and about which they experience ownership.


To bring this into reality, Creabitat has a diverse and competent network to draw on, especially a broad innovative range of expertise which together offers an integral concept in which, simply put, wellbeing forms the core of solutions (transitions) to the various urgent tasks we face due to the climate emergency. For example, agriculture and food transition, energy transition, climate adaptation and the recovery of biodiversity. Because living takes place in close-knit communities, where care is taken for each other and for the future. 


Creabitat lives its design principles and DNA also in the way we organize. Nationally, we do what is needed for all sites and take care for the DAN, locally we serve where is needed based on what is possible. As lean and agile as can be. Nature and (future) generations also have a permanent voice in how Creabitat organizes itself internally.




Boudewijn Tooren

Chair Creabitat, founder of Creabitat, director of Strengthening Movement of program office agenda Nature Inclusive Ministry LNV, interim manager, Cooperative founder and director, Herenboer first hour, chairman Herenboeren Boxtel

Simoon Fransen Secretary Creabitat, strategic advisor & process direction Creabitat, location director Creabitat Maashorst, Program Officer Berkana Institute, Practitioner Presencing Institute , Co-founder Oogst van Morgen & Spinwaves Lab (focus transition Construction and Energy Transition)

Ilse Maas-van Veghel  

Bestuurslid Creabitat, financiering Creabitat, oprichter IN.credible, Financieel adviseur energietransitie, Windparken in lokaal eigendom, Modelleur en adviseur regeneratieve voedsel- en leefinitiatieven

John van Duursen

Penningmeester Creabitat, oprichter en programmamanager op het gebied van landschapsherstel, MKB-ontwikkeling, impactinvesteringen en duurzame toeleveringsketens. Founder (Commonland), het BiD Network, oprichter ’the Nature Challenge’ met WWF in Afrika, het professionaliseren en beheren van Hivos’ ‘Green Entrepreneurship’-programma en het versnellen van de ‘herstellende waardeketen’ door het beheren van ProClimate.



Ted van den Berg 

Former director Triodos foundation, vote on behalf of 'New Value(s)' Passionate about social issues, agricultural-inclusive-nature, fair use of money and property. 

Manager Strategy, Policy & Innovation Waterschap de Dommel, board member Way of Nature, Former council member & parliamentary group chairman Sint Anthonis Nu, Co Founder WaterLab, vote on behalf of Soil & Water

Annemarie Moons 

Voorzitter college van bestuur Summa College, voorzitter Kennisplatform Veehouderij en humane gezondheid (voorheen o.a. voorzitter college van bestuur Yuverta, voorzitter college van bestuur Wellantcollege en voormalig Dijkgraaf waterschap Vallei en Eem)

Besides the board, there is the direction team that focuses on sub-areas. These sub-areas are supported by experts who, on the one hand, form the link between management and local implementation and, moreover, in close cooperation with each other, weave and strengthen the connections between the sectors.

Direction team

Team Gemeenschap

Bram Veldhuis Cooperative Collaboration, Semco Style, Rhineland Thinker 


Katja Langen

Founder One Heart Business


Team Wonen

Maarten Filius Architect social sustainability and modularity

Team Natuur & Landschap:

Harry van Duinhoven Sustainable Living Environment.


Joost van der Cruijsen Water Management & Biodiversity

Team regeneratieve landbouw

Liza Simons Agro Innovation, Farmerin Op Den Hoek, Project Manager Agro Innovation House de Peel, Training Expert

appelboom tot zeekool’

* Creabitat is evolving! We are working hard to build both its structure and culture. Beyond the freshly formed founding board and directing team, there is an extensive network of experts (see partner overview) coming together as a team . Ideas, tips or wishes? Get in touch with us!